• 4 years ago


00:01:00Nuclear testing continues slowly to contaminate Earth's atmosphere with the multiple dangers of radiation.
00:01:05This is of grave concern to all the people of Earth.
00:01:12Much of this deadly radiation is escaping Earth's atmosphere and poisoning the distant reaches of outer space.
00:01:19As a result, it is possible that in time, other planets, such as this, the Emerald Planet in the Marpet Galaxy, will become uninhabitable.
00:01:34The High Council of the Emerald Planet is now deciding what must be done.
00:02:07Though they are fierce fighters when it comes to defending and protecting their way of life, the Emerald Men are basically creatures of peace.
00:02:13But now, once again, their very existence is threatened by the madness of certain human beings of the planet Earth.
00:02:19The Emerald Men are aware that should nuclear war erupt on Earth, the atmosphere of this whole area of the universe would become deadly poison.
00:02:25Therefore, peace must be ensured on Earth.
00:02:28But now an aggressive nation, that of Megolia, plans to take over the world through the use of hidden atomic weapons, which they're smuggling into every country on the globe.
00:02:36The Megolians must be stopped, and there is only one way the Emerald Men may be able to achieve this.
00:02:42The scientists of the Emerald Planet have invented one of the most ingenious mechanisms the universe has ever seen.
00:02:49Called a globe meter, it is carried on the wrist.
00:02:52It enables its wearer to do three things.
00:02:54To fly through space, to detect radioactivity, and to speak and understand every language on the planet Earth.
00:03:01Finally, this great forum of the Emerald hierarchy reaches a decision.
00:03:05In order to save Earth from the attacks of the Megolians, they must once more present the globe meter to one of their fellow creatures and send him to Earth.
00:03:14He is the creature made of the strongest steel.
00:03:17As he flies toward Earth, Starman's globe meter warns him of the proximity of some kind of deadly nuclear device.
00:03:27My radio's gone bad. I'm unable to hear.
00:03:30The rudder doesn't work. If we get all the way to Japan, it'll take a miracle.
00:04:26Like certain your belts are secured and kindly stay in your seats. Thank you.
00:04:49Please follow the captain's instructions and try to remain calm.
00:05:20Oh, the rudder's working. You see? I'm again able to control it.
00:05:37Ah, that's good. It looks safer ahead. I knew that we'd make it. Didn't I say it?
00:05:50I've just had word. Everything is now under control again, and we are no longer in danger.
00:06:07Once again, Starman receives a warning from his globe meter that a nuclear device is somewhere nearby.
00:06:19The crowd welcomes Boris Zdenko.
00:06:48Boris Zdenko and other members of the Megolian Economic Mission.
00:07:09In that briefcase, Zdenko secretly carries one of his nation's deadly nuclear devices.
00:07:40Attention, please. The passenger on the south-west airline, flight number 10,
00:07:46is waiting for any customers.
00:08:09Out of here. Get out of this car.
00:08:17Out. I'll call a trooper.
00:08:20Go ahead. I don't think that you'll dare. I'm certain it's the last thing you'd try.
00:08:29Your revolver hasn't a silencer. Pull the trigger and they'll hear.
00:08:35Try it and see how fast they get here.
00:08:40Go on.
00:08:46You must give me that bag.
00:09:05Now that's it. You're a police agent.
00:09:07Not of this earth.
00:09:09Oh, you're a comedian, I see. This is just a trick for money, am I right?
00:09:14Just how much are you asking?
00:09:16Money isn't of interest. That bag is.
00:09:19I know Megolia's great plan. Atomic warfare on earth.
00:09:24I will stop it. If I don't, nothing on earth can live.
00:09:29What's here can contaminate all the distant planets.
00:09:33Oh, you sound concerned. You're talking so strangely.
00:09:38You sound a little like, how shall I say it, like a creature that's from another planet, I guess.
00:09:43Do I? I was created on another planet.
00:09:48I was sent here to save all the gentle people of this great earth.
00:09:53Now, I want you to give me what you're carrying.
00:11:07A pistol.
00:11:14A little advice. Bullets have no effect on me.
00:11:19Just give me what I ask.
00:11:21It won't do you any good trying to be so smart.
00:11:24You better get out of here, or I'll shoot you.
00:11:27Go. I warn you, go on.
00:11:30Not till I get the bag.
00:11:32You can't hurt me with that.
00:11:33You better get out of here, or I'll shoot you.
00:11:36Go. I warn you, go on.
00:11:38Not till I get the bag.
00:11:40You can't hurt me with that.
00:12:04You better get out of here, or I'll shoot you.
00:12:16Yaroosh, should I get the gun?
00:12:17Go on.
00:12:33Go on.
00:13:03Go on.
00:13:27That quinoa is getting away.
00:13:29Please give us a hand.
00:13:30Police should know. I'll try to call.
00:13:34I'm hurt.
00:13:36Please help me stand.
00:13:41Let go.
00:13:42Let go of me.
00:13:52Tell me, lad.
00:13:54And I think that you can.
00:13:56The name of the boy who's taking that case.
00:13:58I want to know his name and exactly where he lives.
00:14:04You're aware that what you did wasn't right.
00:14:07Just why did your friends take the case?
00:14:10What is your father's name?
00:14:12Why don't you answer?
00:14:14Go ahead.
00:14:15My father died long ago.
00:14:18He died?
00:14:20I still would like to know his name.
00:14:22Or that of your mother.
00:14:24I don't have a mother.
00:14:25No parents?
00:14:26Tell me, where do you live?
00:14:29I'll make a guess.
00:14:31I'll bet that you don't have a home.
00:14:32Yes, I do.
00:14:33A big house and nice.
00:14:35I'm proud to live there and go to school there.
00:14:37My home's a happy orphanage.
00:14:39And now all I ask is that you take me home and right now.
00:14:42You want to go back?
00:14:44Oh, then you can.
00:14:46Just tell me first.
00:14:48The boy's address.
00:14:50The one who took the case.
00:14:52Just answer that.
00:14:53I want to know his address.
00:14:55Now, what is it?
00:14:57In Cometa, the Emanuela orphanage.
00:15:12I was really scared.
00:15:14But they were stupid, weren't they?
00:15:16While the gang was busy fighting,
00:15:18we took everything and outsmarted them.
00:15:20And now they want to kill us.
00:15:21While the gang was busy fighting,
00:15:23we took everything and outsmarted them.
00:15:33I wish this was loaded.
00:15:35Then I would show you what a good soldier I'm going to be.
00:15:37You shouldn't play with it.
00:15:39You're liable to get into a lot of trouble.
00:15:41Throw it away.
00:15:43A police ought to have these things, I think, don't you?
00:15:45They can have them later.
00:15:47I want to play with this gun.
00:15:49It's a beauty, isn't it?
00:15:56He was in that fight.
00:16:00Here you are.
00:16:02We didn't really mean to steal it.
00:16:04I believe that.
00:16:06You mustn't be afraid.
00:16:08You will learn that I am a friend of all children.
00:16:11Oh, then you're not a gangster?
00:16:14Now, where did you get that idea?
00:16:17That briefcase is the reason I came to you.
00:16:19I'm also seeking a gun.
00:16:21Why not let me keep the gun?
00:16:24It's too dangerous for you.
00:16:26And here's the case.
00:16:29Children, supper is ready.
00:16:31Coming, Sister Toshiko.
00:16:37Is there anything wrong, sir?
00:16:41I was going to do a trick.
00:16:43Now watch closely and you'll see.
00:16:47Watch this.
00:17:24Oh, but it's just a toy.
00:17:36You must come again.
00:17:39He's gone.
00:17:41I wonder who he is.
00:17:43He was strong.
00:17:45What are you doing, children?
00:17:47Oh, Detective Okumoto and I see his sister.
00:17:55Come on, come on!
00:18:10We promised you'd get a nice present and here it is.
00:18:13Thank you, Raiko.
00:18:15I almost forgot to tell you, Raiko.
00:18:17What is it, Masao?
00:18:19And you should know what we saw today.
00:18:21We even thought of calling you.
00:18:23I'm certain this is just another one of your stories again.
00:18:25Do I have to listen right now?
00:18:27A detective needs some free time, huh?
00:18:29Today the story's true.
00:18:31I saw three men earlier today trying to kill the third one.
00:18:34Ah, gangsters, I'd say.
00:18:36No, they weren't.
00:18:38The strong one said he wasn't a gangster.
00:18:40Didn't he?
00:18:42He was as strong as anything.
00:18:44The man even did a trick for us.
00:18:46He bent a pistol just like that.
00:18:48Bent it like that?
00:18:50This sounds like another of your stories.
00:18:52You must always tell the truth because if you don't,
00:18:54if you lie, you can end up in jail.
00:18:56He's not lying.
00:18:58It's a true story.
00:19:02This gun is real.
00:19:04But, children, you must have been in danger.
00:19:06Sister, tell me, did you see it done?
00:19:08Yes, I saw the man bend it.
00:19:10I imagine that it was nothing more than a toy gun.
00:19:14Just think, whoever did this had the strength of steel.
00:19:19We were playing and then a car came along
00:19:22and three men got out.
00:19:24They started a fight.
00:19:26We watched for a while, but we stayed out of sight.
00:19:29They were fighting over a leather case.
00:19:31And two of the men shot the strong man.
00:19:33But no matter how many bullets they shot at him,
00:19:34he wasn't hurt at all.
00:19:38That's right.
00:19:40We took a chance.
00:19:42We grabbed the case and ran as fast as we could.
00:19:44We were going to take it to the police.
00:19:46The one who's the strong man came here.
00:19:48I think he followed us.
00:19:50When he saw the case, he said that he wanted it.
00:19:56Children, thank you.
00:19:58I will return to the station and investigate this.
00:20:00You'd better keep the children here.
00:20:02It's possible they can be in danger.
00:20:04As yet, there really is no reason for you to worry,
00:20:06so try not to worry.
00:20:08I'll try.
00:20:10If anything at all strange occurs, just call the station.
00:20:12All right.
00:20:14Please go home while it is still daylight.
00:20:16Yes, and you must try to get there early.
00:20:18Good day.
00:20:24Let's go home now, children.
00:20:26Yes, sir.
00:20:32Where's Hiroshi?
00:20:35That's funny.
00:20:37He was with us when we saw those men.
00:20:39Where could he be?
00:20:59The Emmanuel Orphanage.
00:21:00M5, come back here to the base.
00:21:02Come back at once.
00:21:04Bring the boy.
00:21:06We would like to question him.
00:21:08Right, sir.
00:21:10All right.
00:21:23This is a nuclear device.
00:21:25What's wrong?
00:21:27One of the boys is missing.
00:21:35This cap belongs to Hiroshi.
00:21:37You're right.
00:21:39It does?
00:21:41Then he was taken away.
00:21:43Oh, no.
00:21:45I caused the trouble.
00:21:47I ran away with the case.
00:21:49I'm to blame.
00:21:51Don't cry, my son.
00:21:52I suggest that we all start looking for him right now.
00:21:55I will try it.
00:21:57I will conduct a search.
00:21:59Sister, will you take this bag until I return?
00:22:02It's quite important.
00:22:06I will be glad to take care of it for you.
00:22:08Sir, would you like some help?
00:22:10I'll go alone.
00:22:12Don't worry.
00:22:14I'll find Hiroshi.
00:22:16And when I do, I'll give his hat to him.
00:22:22I'll be back.
00:22:49If you try to run away,
00:22:50or cry out for help,
00:22:53you will be killed.
00:22:55Don't forget that.
00:23:07I hope it's clear.
00:23:10I'll take a train.
00:23:20I hope it's clear.
00:23:50I hope it's clear.
00:24:21Report, sir.
00:24:23We were interrupted.
00:24:25A very strong man attacked us.
00:24:27Really? And what of our nuclear device?
00:24:30What happened to it?
00:24:32Boys took it away.
00:24:40Please, don't!
00:24:43Please, stop!
00:24:44Please, don't!
00:24:49He should be killed.
00:24:51This is very serious.
00:24:53We should report this to the leader.
00:24:55Surround this entire area with guards.
00:24:58Strangers are to be shot.
00:25:00Is that clear?
00:25:14Here lies the secret Magolian base.
00:25:17Headquarters of Muntadip,
00:25:19the supreme leader of the Magolians.
00:26:36Listen carefully.
00:26:39Our agents are all over the world,
00:26:41and prepared.
00:26:42It'll be soon.
00:26:44We're all familiar
00:26:46with our secret schedules and our plans,
00:26:48so I won't go into them.
00:26:50I've decided on our first victim.
00:26:53Our initial target is Japan.
00:26:55The entire nation will fall to us.
00:26:58Personally, I'll lead the entire attack.
00:27:01When they're faced with total destruction,
00:27:03they'll surrender.
00:27:05They'll serve as an example.
00:27:07One agent will detonate the device here.
00:27:09I mean you.
00:27:10Our plan shall take, I'd say,
00:27:13about two whole days.
00:27:16We'll take Japan the first day,
00:27:20and all of Asia.
00:27:24and Russia,
00:27:26and America,
00:27:28and then the entire Earth
00:27:32is ours!
00:27:41The embassy has just made a report.
00:27:46The device is missing.
00:27:50It's missing?
00:28:04But we tried, sir.
00:28:06We completely emptied our guns at him.
00:28:07My bullets hit him,
00:28:09but he didn't fall.
00:28:11What's more, he even grinned at me.
00:28:13Never have I seen anyone like him.
00:28:15He didn't seem human.
00:28:17But I assure you,
00:28:19I did my best in trying to kill him.
00:28:23The fact remains that our invaluable
00:28:25nuclear device is missing.
00:28:27For that, you will die.
00:28:29Sir, it wasn't my fault at all.
00:28:33No one could have fought off that man.
00:28:35He was stronger than anyone I've seen before.
00:28:37You must believe it.
00:28:39On my honor.
00:28:41I'll consult our leader.
00:28:51He must die.
00:28:53Send men to locate the nuclear device
00:28:55and bring it here.
00:29:00Let me go!
00:29:02Mercy! I don't want to die!
00:29:04No, please let me go!
00:29:05Let me go, please!
00:29:09Oh, no!
00:29:19I did what I could to protect the device!
00:29:21I don't deserve to die!
00:29:23Oh, no!
00:29:36No, you don't!
00:29:43All right.
00:29:46Better not.
00:29:48Try to get away and you'll die.
00:30:05Let's go.
00:30:35Let's go.
00:31:05Let's go.
00:31:35Let's go.
00:32:05Let's go.
00:32:21I warned you that I'd kill you, didn't I?
00:32:23Next time I shall.
00:32:35Let's go.
00:33:05Let's go.
00:33:26I want to know where the child is.
00:33:28Where was he taken?
00:33:36The boy, as you know, is innocent.
00:33:45where have they taken him?
00:33:55They've ordered my execution.
00:33:57I don't deserve it.
00:33:59I made just one little mistake.
00:34:01I tried to be loyal to them,
00:34:03but now their guards are going to kill me.
00:34:05All right, it might not be too late.
00:34:08The child is being taken away by train.
00:34:11A train? To where?
00:34:13Somewhere in the vicinity of Kozu.
00:34:18And then where are they headed after that?
00:34:20Our base there.
00:34:24Please, I've got to get out of here.
00:34:26You are...
00:34:28You are the one who can help me get away.
00:34:30If you do,
00:34:32I'll tell you everything.
00:34:35All right.
00:35:05Hurry, this way.
00:35:35I'll get you out.
00:35:37No, I'm dying.
00:35:39Save the boy.
00:35:41The boy.
00:36:05The boy.
00:36:35The boy.
00:37:05We've got to go.
00:37:35Get him.
00:38:05Get him.
00:38:37Young man, aren't you Hiroshi?
00:38:42Yes, I'm certain that it's you.
00:38:44Everything's all right.
00:38:47I started searching
00:38:49when your friends at the orphanage asked me
00:38:51if I could help you.
00:38:53I don't know who you are.
00:38:55I don't know who you are.
00:38:57I don't know who you are.
00:38:59I don't know who you are.
00:39:01I don't know who you are.
00:39:03I don't know who you are.
00:39:06They were ready to give up.
00:39:12Your hat.
00:39:13I told the sister I'd return it.
00:39:15Oh, you did?
00:39:26What is going on there?
00:39:28Oh, nothing to worry about.
00:39:30The gentleman's feeling ill.
00:39:37Oh, thank you.
00:39:40Don't cry.
00:39:41You know there's nothing to worry about.
00:39:51I told them
00:39:52when the man said Taka could get killed,
00:39:54I said the case was back at the orphanage.
00:40:01Starman hopes he can reach the orphanage
00:40:03before the Megolians arrive there
00:40:05to retrieve the nuclear device.
00:40:21But Starman is too late.
00:40:23The Megolians already are carrying away
00:40:25the deadly nuclear device.
00:40:27And along with it,
00:40:28as insurance against pursuit,
00:40:30they are taking Gray Eco.
00:40:36my globe meter is giving me a warning.
00:40:38Someone is moving the nuclear device.
00:40:40As soon as you're back there,
00:40:42I will try to catch up to them.
00:40:43All right.
00:40:50Main base, we've got the nuclear device back
00:40:52and we've taken a hostage.
00:40:54Good work.
00:40:55Bring everything to the secret base.
00:40:57Yes, sir. Coming in.
00:41:04By the time Starman returns Hiroshi to the orphanage
00:41:07and he flies toward the Megolian embassy,
00:41:10he is too late.
00:41:12Gray Eco and the nuclear device
00:41:13are no longer in the car.
00:41:20You'll be killed there.
00:41:21Go on, get out of the way.
00:41:23Not until you answer questions.
00:41:26Listen, don't try stopping me.
00:41:28You'll be killed.
00:41:30I don't think I will.
00:41:31I couldn't get hurt by a car.
00:41:33Starman is mine.
00:41:35Starman, he said.
00:41:37Take me to your base.
00:41:38And right now.
00:41:40It's late already,
00:41:41so let's not waste any time.
00:41:43Oh, there's no base.
00:41:45Oh, yes.
00:41:46The Megolian secret base near the ocean.
00:41:49The base that you'll use
00:41:50to launch your first attack.
00:42:01The Megolian secret base
00:42:02near the ocean.
00:42:03The base that you'll use
00:42:04to launch your first attack.
00:42:31The Megolian secret base
00:42:32near the ocean.
00:42:33The Megolian secret base
00:42:34near the ocean.
00:42:35The Megolian secret base
00:42:36near the ocean.
00:42:37The Megolian secret base
00:42:38near the ocean.
00:42:39The Megolian secret base
00:42:40near the ocean.
00:42:41The Megolian secret base
00:42:42near the ocean.
00:42:43The Megolian secret base
00:42:44near the ocean.
00:42:45The Megolian secret base
00:42:46near the ocean.
00:42:47The Megolian secret base
00:42:48near the ocean.
00:42:49The Megolian secret base
00:42:50near the ocean.
00:42:51The Megolian secret base
00:42:52near the ocean.
00:42:53The Megolian secret base
00:42:54near the ocean.
00:42:55The Megolian secret base
00:42:56near the ocean.
00:42:57The Megolian secret base
00:42:58near the ocean.
00:42:59The Megolian secret base
00:43:00near the ocean.
00:43:21You'll regret any trick.
00:43:23It will fail.
00:43:24I advise you to drive on.
00:43:26The car has stalled.
00:43:28I'll take a look.
00:43:30This is the spot the Megolians had planned for a rendezvous.
00:43:38You see? Someone's in the car.
00:43:45Our radio headquarters.
00:43:49Just why is he taking so long?
00:43:52Or is there somebody you're waiting for?
00:43:54No. Nobody. It'll be fixed soon.
00:43:58Muntah Addin, the Megolian Supreme Commander,
00:44:01has issued orders to all of his men to get ready for the rendezvous.
00:44:05This is the spot where the Megolians had planned to rendezvous.
00:44:09They'll be here in a moment.
00:44:11We have to be ready.
00:44:13We have to be ready.
00:44:15We have to be ready.
00:44:17We have to be ready.
00:44:19We have to be ready.
00:44:22We have to be ready.
00:44:25The Supreme Commander has issued orders to carry out a diabolical plan which may trap Starman.
00:44:40What's the matter? What happened?
00:44:56Who did it?
00:45:03Look! That must be his gun!
00:45:25The murder weapon is thought by Detective Okamoto to belong to Starman, who is held for the crime.
00:45:51To start, I must get your address.
00:45:55Now, where is your home?
00:46:02It is the Emerald Planet.
00:46:04It is. I'm not lying, sir.
00:46:08Perhaps you're not lying, but I want to warn you, the penalty you're facing for murder is death.
00:46:15So for your own protection, do not make jokes. Now again, tell me where you're from.
00:46:19As I said, I come from the Emerald Planet, Lieutenant.
00:46:22How dare you make a fool of me?
00:46:26Starman realizes it will be impossible for the detective to understand the truth, and precious time is being lost.
00:46:39Time in which the Megolians are making last minute preparations for their nuclear attack upon Earth.
00:46:45He must act quickly now, if he is to save the planet Earth from destruction.
00:46:55At the same moment, outside the orphanage…
00:47:19Detective Okamoto!
00:47:22Hi, Mr. Bocomoto.
00:47:23Oh, hi.
00:47:26You shouldn't stay out so late.
00:47:28We left the orphanage to look for you.
00:47:30It's urgent.
00:47:31Some men came carrying guns.
00:47:33They're looking for that case.
00:47:34We'll show you.
00:47:35Let's go, quietly.
00:47:53I think he's one of the men who fought the strong man.
00:47:59There was another one here.
00:48:00He might have gone inside.
00:48:02Let's see.
00:48:23I've written a note.
00:48:25Give it to a policeman and he'll get help.
00:48:27Yes, sir.
00:48:28Now stay out of sight.
00:48:29Yes, sir.
00:48:30Let's go.
00:48:31All right.
00:48:52Let's go.
00:49:16Stop him!
00:49:46Let's go.
00:50:13Officer, read this.
00:50:29He's going to call for help.
00:50:42The atomic attack against Earth is scheduled to start within hours.
00:50:46But at the Magolian Embassy, a party is in progress,
00:50:49hosted by the Supreme Leader himself, Muntadhim,
00:50:53who pretends to be the ambassador.
00:50:58How do you do?
00:51:02I wanted to tell you, Commissioner, how upset we are.
00:51:06Men are murdered and your police allow the killer, this star man, to escape.
00:51:12Capture him soon before there are other murders like that.
00:51:16I must demand a lot more action.
00:51:18Yes, my dear ambassador.
00:51:19My men are working around the clock on this case.
00:51:22I'm glad to hear it.
00:51:25Friends, I propose a toast.
00:51:28I make it to the bond between Magolia and your country, Japan.
00:51:34Tonight, at exactly 11 o'clock, I'll give you some interesting news.
00:51:41News that will shock the world.
00:51:44This will be a night in which history will be made.
00:51:50For right now, let us drink only to friendship and the future.
00:51:55To the future!
00:51:58Attention, a message relayed.
00:52:00It concerns the car and the men at large.
00:52:02It's license plate was seen.
00:52:03Number, 544.
00:52:05A Chevrolet.
00:52:06It might be headed toward Yokohama.
00:52:07It was last seen in that direction.
00:52:09This is car 13 reporting.
00:52:11I'm checking all cars in that direction.
00:52:13Signing off.
00:52:17We are on the way to Osaki.
00:52:18There's no sight of it yet.
00:52:20I'm going ahead.
00:52:21Later, I'll report in.
00:52:31We saw them go in.
00:52:32That might mean that the Magolians are enemies of us all.
00:52:35Yes, you could be right.
00:52:36Remember that note the detective sent?
00:52:38It said, check the embassy.
00:52:39Let's do it ourselves.
00:52:45Squat down.
00:52:58At this moment, Starman has been following a Magolian helicopter,
00:53:02which seems to be headed for the secret base.
00:53:15Be ready to fly us back again.
00:53:17Yes, sir.
00:53:49Let's go.
00:54:15I didn't like that announcement.
00:54:22I've ordered the embassy surrounded,
00:54:24and one of the Magolian cars is being chased by us.
00:54:26They're up to something, and we've got to find out what it is.
00:54:40I'd like to know what's going on.
00:54:41I don't trust any of them.
00:54:46You can't let them know it.
00:54:48Any trouble here can lead us to war.
00:54:51Just proceed carefully.
00:54:53You know what's at stake.
00:55:01Good evening.
00:55:02Good evening.
00:55:03Good evening.
00:55:07Please make yourselves at home.
00:55:09Oh, thank you very much.
00:55:14They pretend they're very friendly.
00:55:15I fear there's a reason for their actions.
00:55:18They'd like us off guard.
00:55:19You're right, I'm certain.
00:55:20I think an excellent idea is this.
00:55:22Call the Prime Minister and tell him what's happening.
00:55:27I'd better.
00:55:32At the secret Magolian base.
00:56:02Ah, at last we have the device.
00:56:18Without this, we couldn't arm the nuclear weapons,
00:56:20and our conquest of Earth would have failed, huh?
00:56:22It must be completed by 11 tonight.
00:56:24Yes, most of the Japanese high officials are attending the party at our embassy.
00:56:29At 11 o'clock, our Supreme Leader will tell them
00:56:31that this weapon will destroy their nation unless they surrender.
00:56:36And then if they refuse,
00:56:38their ruined nation can serve as an example to the rest of the planet Earth, eh?
00:56:44Our leader's a very clever man.
00:56:52Wait, what are you doing with that?
00:56:53Put it back on the table.
00:56:55If you delay the completion of our weapon tonight,
00:56:57you'll be executed immediately.
00:56:59Return that device.
00:57:01Put it back at once.
00:57:02I've never seen you here.
00:57:04Who are you?
00:57:05Starman is my name.
00:57:09Stop him!
00:59:09Get him!
00:59:12Get him!
00:59:26Get him!
00:59:42Get him!
01:00:12Get him!
01:00:21This is the embassy, I'm sure of that.
01:00:29Who are you?
01:00:30What are you doing here?
01:00:31What do you want?
01:00:32Let go!
01:00:33Let go!
01:00:34Hiroshi, help me!
01:00:36Mr. O, help!
01:00:44Quick, the other way!
01:00:51It's one of the men!
01:00:56Let me go, let go!
01:01:04How dare they sneak into our party?
01:01:06They're upsetting all our guests.
01:01:08Go ahead, throw them outside.
01:01:10Yes, sir.
01:01:11Wait, release him.
01:01:21Starman flies toward the Megolian Embassy.
01:01:26But sir, I know that he's one of their gang.
01:01:29Earlier tonight, they were all around the orphanage.
01:01:31I wouldn't lie.
01:01:32I remember what they look like.
01:01:35Nothing but lies.
01:01:36Excuse me.
01:01:39It's our friend, the strong man.
01:01:46My friends, the boy's words haven't been lies.
01:01:49You must believe him.
01:01:51The man disguised as their ambassador is really their leader.
01:01:54He has plotted to take over the Earth.
01:01:56Unless he stops, he'll kill you all.
01:01:59Muntadhim, you are the supreme leader of the Megolians.
01:02:08Silence and listen.
01:02:09A bit earlier, I announced that I would have great news tonight.
01:02:14By 11 o'clock, I promised I would present it.
01:02:18Well, I'm ready.
01:02:20All Japan can be destroyed unless you surrender to us.
01:02:24Surrender tonight.
01:02:26By exploding the largest nuclear device the Earth has ever seen,
01:02:29we can wipe out this entire nation.
01:02:31But my country, Megolia, does not wish to destroy Japan or any other nation.
01:02:36Our terms are very simple, I think, for you and for every other country in the world.
01:02:41Either surrender to us or be destroyed by our atomic superweapons.
01:02:46There's no force on Earth that can stop us.
01:02:49Surrender to Megolia or die.
01:02:52Japan must surrender.
01:02:54On the terms I offer are fair. You must surrender.
01:03:06Quiet. What's the meaning of this?
01:03:18My friends, there's absolutely nothing to be worried about.
01:03:21You see, I paid a visit to your laboratory.
01:03:24There is no bomb.
01:03:26You're lying. Stop this stupid act.
01:03:29The bomb is made.
01:03:31Is it really?
01:03:34You know that the bomb is harmless without this device.
01:03:40Headquarters just sent a very urgent message.
01:03:43They said they were attacked by Starman.
01:04:12Oh, it's Rico.
01:04:16Starman must take that to our base.
01:04:18We'll be there in an hour or the girl will die.
01:04:21Nothing on Earth shall stop us, I said.
01:04:23See that you get there. Bring her to the base.
01:04:49They're getting away.
01:04:54I shall try to rescue Rico.
01:04:56Go home to the orphanage and stay there.
01:04:58Good luck.
01:04:59Hello, detective.
01:05:01They're off the lower cape.
01:05:03I'll attack them.
01:05:04I'm leaving for the base by boat.
01:05:06You must save Rico.
01:05:07I'll try.
01:05:25He has just one minute more.
01:05:27If Starman fails to arrive, it's simple.
01:05:30We'll blow up the entire base.
01:05:32Move to our secondary headquarters in the Himalayas.
01:05:41Carry out the execution.
01:05:44Well, go ahead.
01:06:49I have brought it as you demanded.
01:06:55All right, show it to me.
01:07:18Now we're leaving in a ship that not even the Navy can catch.
01:07:38You'll stay here.
01:07:39In exactly 60 seconds, you'll die in an explosion.
01:07:47You should never have interfered with us.
01:07:49But you did.
01:07:50It's a shame.
01:07:51Because you'll die.
01:07:53I'm going to throw this nuclear bomb in there with you.
01:08:16I'm going to throw it in there with you.
01:08:48I'm not sure if my body is strong enough to withstand an explosion.
01:08:52But there's no other way.
01:08:54We'll have to try it.
01:09:16There's a way out.
01:09:42There's a way out.
01:09:45Hold on to me tightly.
01:09:56Wait here a while.
01:09:58All right.
01:10:03Look out, it's Starman!
01:10:05Push harder!
01:10:14Look out!
01:10:44That's it.
01:11:08That's it.
01:11:09Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:14That's it.
01:11:44Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:45That's it.
01:11:46Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:47That's it.
01:11:48Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:49That's it.
01:11:50Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:51That's it.
01:11:52Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:53That's it.
01:11:54Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:55That's it.
01:11:56Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:57That's it.
01:11:58Ahead, Commissioner.
01:11:59That's it.
01:12:00Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:01That's it.
01:12:02Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:03That's it.
01:12:04Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:05That's it.
01:12:06Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:07That's it.
01:12:08Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:09That's it.
01:12:10Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:11That's it.
01:12:12Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:13That's it.
01:12:14Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:15That's it.
01:12:16Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:17That's it.
01:12:18Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:19That's it.
01:12:20Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:21That's it.
01:12:22Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:23That's it.
01:12:24Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:25That's it.
01:12:26Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:27That's it.
01:12:28Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:29That's it.
01:12:30Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:31That's it.
01:12:32Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:33That's it.
01:12:34Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:35That's it.
01:12:36Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:37That's it.
01:12:38Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:39That's it.
01:12:40Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:41That's it.
01:12:42Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:43That's it.
01:12:44Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:45That's it.
01:12:46Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:47That's it.
01:12:48Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:49That's it.
01:12:50Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:51That's it.
01:12:52Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:53That's it.
01:12:54Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:55That's it.
01:12:56Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:57That's it.
01:12:58Ahead, Commissioner.
01:12:59That's it.
01:13:00Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:01That's it.
01:13:02Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:03That's it.
01:13:04Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:05That's it.
01:13:06Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:07That's it.
01:13:08Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:09That's it.
01:13:10Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:11That's it.
01:13:12Ahead, Commissioner.
01:13:20We're there.
01:13:21We're there.
01:13:22Yeah, sure.
01:13:23The police will come for him.
01:13:28The children at the orphanage are waiting.
01:13:31I'll take you there.
01:13:43The atomic device is in this case. It can be used for peace.
01:13:47Keep it safe.
01:13:49I will. Thank you.
01:14:03Once again, the Earth is safe from destruction.
01:14:06And the man from the Emerald Planet can go home at last.
01:14:09To report that his job is done.
01:14:11And that there will be peace throughout the universe.