Practicing meditation near any lake, waterfall, the river can calm the mind.

3 years ago
What is water meditation and its benefit...

Water meditation strengthens you spiritually. Water is an element that is used for purification. Practicing meditation near any lake, waterfall, the river can calm the mind. Water is a symbol of purity and peace, so water meditation is considered to be very useful to calm mind and body.

Let’s know about the advantages and methods of water meditation.

Method of water meditation

To do water meditation, choose a place where water is present. Water sources such as rivers, ponds and lakes are suitable for water meditation. But if it is not available, water meditation can be done in the water tub at home. The main purpose of water meditation is to realize the water by meditation.

How to practice water meditation?

Sit alongside water and come in the meditation mode.
Take a deep breath and relax.
Feel the water and focus your attention on the sound of water, coolness.
Slowly inhale breath and slowly exhale.

What are the benefits of water meditation?

Keeps the person happy
Regular water meditation leads to the transmission of positive energy and also provides happiness in life. Water meditation boosts the mood and makes the person energized.

Increases confidence
It is very beneficial to enhance the confidence in the person. It is also very important to have confidence in achieving the goal of life. Water meditation also creates confidence within a person.

Beneficial for heart
Due to water meditation, the risk of cardiac disorders also gets reduced. Water meditation also proves to be beneficial for diseases such as asthma.

Helps to achieve goals
Regular water meditation is very important to achieve the goal of life. The peace that comes from water meditation does not allow negative thoughts in the mind. The person also feels more concentrated towards the goal of his life.

Mental peace

The water meditation is very beneficial for attaining mental peace. If you practice water meditation regularly it will reduce the problem of stress and also depression.

Increases physical health
In addition to improving mental health, water meditation helps in enhancing physical health as well

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