• 4 years ago
您可以选择在邮轮度假和探索古巴. 邮轮确实使事情变得更加刺激, 并展现了当地的色彩, 景点和岛屿的歌声. 徒步旅行, 马车旅行, 1957年雪佛兰……该国的首都哈瓦那, 游客现在可以在该岛的东南海岸探索古巴的圣地亚哥和西恩富戈斯. 过夜体验岛上充满活力的夜生活, 更深入的了解塞拉马埃斯特拉邮轮码头, 货币兑换等.....
Discovering Cuba with cruise vacation is an option, The cruise line is really spicing things up and shows local color, sights, and songs of the island. Walking tour, horse carriage tour, 1957 Chevrolet......The nation’s capital of Havana, guests can now explore Santiago de Cuba and Cienfuegos on the southeast coast of the island. Plus, stay overnight and experience the island’s vibrant night life. The cruise terminal Sierra Maestra:-- for a more in depth look, money exchange etc.....


