崎岖的海岸, 除了附近的岛屿, 海洋生物, 找到一些海藻渔民, 然后返回陆地. 在岩石旁, 一群鸟类在危险地方筑巢. 然后去海滩寻找贝类并了解涨潮的情况. 扇贝是该地区的美味佳肴, 在欧洲没有其他地方可以拥有如此丰富贻贝和海洋生物, 一起来探索水下的野生动植物.
The rugged coast and discover the nearby islands, meets sea creatures and finds some seaweed fishermen before heading back to land. By the rocks, a family of peregrines who’ve build their nest dangerously close to land, go down to the beach to look for shellfish and learn about the high tides. Scallops are a delicacy of the region, nowhere else in Europe can boast such an abundance of these fruits of the sea, but at the same time, nowhere else in Europe is mussel fishing as dangerous as it is here, off the Granite Coast, explores exotic wildlife underwater.
The rugged coast and discover the nearby islands, meets sea creatures and finds some seaweed fishermen before heading back to land. By the rocks, a family of peregrines who’ve build their nest dangerously close to land, go down to the beach to look for shellfish and learn about the high tides. Scallops are a delicacy of the region, nowhere else in Europe can boast such an abundance of these fruits of the sea, but at the same time, nowhere else in Europe is mussel fishing as dangerous as it is here, off the Granite Coast, explores exotic wildlife underwater.