Nazi Occupation the Channel Islands

  • 3 years ago
踏上壮观的小路, 穿越纳粹占领时期的英国历史最悠久的地貌, 寻找那些历史悠久的海峡群岛, 探索英国过去最丰富的故事. 大英帝国最古老的海峡群岛已被占领, 然而实际上关于这一故事是什么意思. 在第二次世界大战的重述中通常没有讨论, 研究德国对海峡群岛的占领. (根西岛 Guernsey) 及其附近的岛屿有着独特的区别, 这使它们与不列颠诸岛的其余部分区分开来, 它们与海峡群岛的其余部分一起, 是不列颠群岛在第二次世界大战中唯一落入纳粹德国的部分. 这些居住在这岛屿上的人们的独特战时经历. 从对萨克岛的大胆突袭到沉浸在奥尔德尼采石场, 第二次世界大战考古学的非凡诠释, 探索了地面上下的战时历史. 在这生活了五年的成千上万的人的故事常常被世界其他地方所忘记, 但是对于今天生活在海峡群岛的人们来说记忆仍然存在.
Embarks on spectacular walks through Britain's most historic landscapes in search of Channel Islands during Nazi Occupation, the historic landscapes in search of the richest stories from Britain's past. The oldest held lands of the British Empire have been occupied. Yet, the tale of this occupation, and in truth, what it meant. Is not normally discussed in the re-telling of WW2, we'll be looking at the German occupation of the Channel Islands. Guernsey and its neighbouring islands have a unique distinction which sets them apart from the rest of the British Isles. Together with the rest of the Channel Islands, they were the only part of the British Isles to fall to Nazi Germany in the Second World War. The unique wartime experience of these islands and the people who lived on them, from a daring commando raid on Sark to an extraordinary reconnoitre of untouched World War Two archaeology submerged in an Alderney quarry, explores the wartime history above and below the ground. The stories of the thousands of people who lived through this occupation for five years are often forgotten to the rest of the world, but the memories still live on for the people who live in the Channel Islands today.
