Era Of Mafia (Dominate the World_02_横霸天下)

  • 3 years ago
20世纪60年代, 西西里黑帮开始在美国肆虐, 非法贩卖海洛因的活动日益猖獗, 黑手党的历史从此发生了改变. 海洛因将黑手党变成了一个全球性的组织, 它就像一个庞大的赚钱机器, 但同时也埋下了毁灭的种子, 在大街小巷, 一场警察与黑手党的恶斗即将拉开帷幕.
The Unravel dark and highly dangerous world of both the Italian and American Mafia, meet the law enforcement officers who risked everything to bring down the biggest and most profitable multinational criminal gang. The law enforcement authorities however, denied their existence, preferring to focus attention on the 'red peril' of communism. But a meeting in November 1957 in the sleepy town of Apalachin, upstate New York, attended by dozens of Italian businessmen in fedoras and sharp suits, aroused the suspicion of local police. When they went to investigate, the party guests tried to flee. The police had unwittingly stumbled upon the leadership of the entire American mafia, who had gathered to discuss the introduction of heroin smuggling from Sicily to the US. The crime fighters could not ignore them any longer. The Sicilian Mafia were smuggling vast amounts of heroin into New York inside foodstuffs, distributed via Sicilian-owned restaurants in Brooklyn, hence it was dubbed 'the pizza connection'. Masterminding the trade was the ruthless and greedy Carmine Galante, head of the Bonanno family and his band of Sicilian killers, assassins who operated under the radar of law enforcement.
