• 4 years ago
孟买的铁路线上平均每天有十个人丧生, 孟买贾特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉终点站面临哪些挑战, 未来将如何发展? 他们正在采取措施降低死亡率, 试图与铁路安全负责人接轨. 他们遇到了两名目击者, 目睹了2008年的恐怖袭击, 造成52人在车站丧生!还乘坐了孟买新建的地铁考虑该城市的550万通勤者的未来可能会怎样? 印度西部最大的山脉之一西高止山脉 (Western Ghats), 揭示了修建连接孟买与印度南部和东部的线路所需的沉重人力成本.
About Nine people a day die on Mumbai's railway lines, what are the challenges faced by the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai and what the future holds? Try to tackle the railway's head of safety on the measures they're taking to reduce this fatality rate.They meet two eyewitnesses to 2008's terror attacks that claimed the lives of 52 people at the station, and also takes a ride on Mumbai's newly built Metro to consider what the future could hold for the city's 5.5 million rail commuters. Highlight the Western Ghats, one of India's biggest mountain ranges, revealing the heavy human cost of building the line that connects Mumbai to the south and east of India.


