• 4 years ago
恐鸟是灭绝的大型食肉鸟类, 它们是新生代南美洲最大的食肉动物 (从62到180万年前). 他们的身高从1到3米 (3到10英尺) 不等, 据信他们的近亲是80厘米高 (31英寸) 的饱足类动物, 在北美得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州都有. 大部分恐鸟是非常快的奔跑者, 它们的脚有四个脚趾, 其中第一个脚趾被称为拇趾, 减小并且没有触地, 而其他脚趾脚则对应于第二, 第三和第四脚趾. 在地上. 恐鸟具有很高的柔韧性和发达的颈部, 使其能够承受沉重的头部并以惊人的速度和力量进行打击, 其发达的颈部肌肉和沉重的头部可以产生足够的动力和力量, 从而对猎物造成致命的伤害, 所有的恐鸟都被认为是肉食性的.
Terror Birds or Phorusrhacids, are an extinct clade of large carnivorous flightless birds that were the largest species of apex predators in South America during the Cenozoic era (Range covers from 62 to 1.8 million years ago). They ranged in height from 1 to 3 m (3 to 10 ft),their closest modern-day relatives are believed to be the 80-centimetre-tall (31 in) seriemas, is known from Texas and Florida in North America. Most phorusrhacids were very fast runners, the feet of the phorusrhacids had four toes, the first of which, known as hallux, was reduced and did not touch the ground, while the others, corresponding to the second, third and fourth toes, were kept on the ground. Phorusrhacid had a highly flexible and developed neck allowing it to carry its heavy head and strike with terrifying speed and power, its developed neck muscles and heavy head could produce enough momentum and power to cause fatal damage to the terror bird's prey, all phorusrhacids are thought to have been carnivorous.


