• 4 years ago
巴布亚新几内亚隔绝了30,000年, 那里有毒箭, 刀, 矛, 棍棒, 斧头, 岩石:-- 他们非常残酷地挥舞着. 跋涉深入巴布亚新几内亚的雨林中心, 以确定今天的土著部落是否仍在实行自相残杀. 部落成员认为巫婆杀死了该团体的成员,他们有义务消灭死者的尸体以报复死亡. 也有传闻说,他们纯粹是在狩猎人类以作为食物的来源. 多年来,来自本地人的信息是世界上少数剩余的“未联系的民族”之一,决心保持这种状态. 这意味着我们对他们的语言, 文化,信仰体系,甚至其中有多少人,一无所知. 这确实是一次冒险, 可以追溯到石器时代, 这是一个长期失散的部落 (最后的食人族) 的踪迹. 令人惊讶的是, 这不是古代历史, 部落确实确实存在, 并且距离我们并不遥远, 它们被称为Korowai, 他们的生活与一万年前一样, 生活在西巴布亚的丛林深处.
The island cut off from everyone for 30,000 years where poison arrows, knives, spears, clubs, axes, rocks which they waved very brutally. Treks deep into the heart of Papua New Guinea’s rain forest to determine whether indigenous tribes still practice cannibalism today. The tribesmen believe that a witch man kills off members of the group and it is their duty to consume the dead man’s carcass in order to take revenge for the death.They were also rumoured to hunt humans purely as a source of food. Over the years, the message from the natives of the are one of a very few remaining ‘uncontacted peoples’ in the world and they are determined to keep it that way. Which means we know tantalizingly little about their language, their culture, their belief system or even how many of them there are. This really is an adventure going back to the Stone Age on the trail of a long lost tribe, the last of the cannibals. And the amazing thing is this isn't ancient history. The tribe really does exist and not all that far from us, they're called the Korowai and they live just as they did 10,000 years ago, deep in the jungles of West Papua.


