I've always been a fan of keeping fit and healthy (trust me i have my moments of stuffing my face with the contents of the snack cupboard) but in general I try and make sure i get a good amount of exercise and nutrition i need each week. I started off feeling horrendous during my first trimester so that went out the window and then second trimester i managed to get right back into it with a less intense workout then I would do normally from home and getting back into my healthy smoothies and green juices but lately I've just found I'm so exhausted all the time so need serious motivation to be able to do any kind of workout. I was doing some insta stalking for workout ideas and found Kelly Cole who is a huge personal trainer based in New York and who is also pregnant herself and I loved her shorter workout plans she showed. I think even if we can manage 10/15 minutes every few days it helps, so I reached out to Kelly to see if she would be up for doing an exclusive mini workout for us on The Mum Space and she actually said yes! So here is her pre and post natal workout for you all, you just need some floor space. I hope this gives you the motivation you may be needing right now, it's helped me get moving that's for sure. Get that water bottle at the ready and enjoy! Love Lauren