• 4 years ago
Color therapy for eyes
There are many classifications of colors according to their effect on person. In my opinion, they are all quite controversial, especially when you consider that human eyes are able to perceive in fact only three colors - blue, red and green. And in the central part of our retina there are three types of cones perceiving these colors. Mixing different colors to obtain a new color and the ability to see many shades -
another unique property of our visual system. This is illustrative confirmation that our eyes are able not only to receive, but also emit color and light, which is especially visible on neutral gray background. Regular use of different colors is a great way stimulating the central part of the retina - the macula, which is responsible for color perception and visual acuity. Activating and maintaining the eyes with flowers is especially beneficial for the autumn-winter period, when there are so few colors in nature, and on the streets we observe mainly black-gray-brown shades in clothes people and the coloring of objects around us. Playing with flowers also helps wonderfully, reflecting the mood and psycho-emotional state and to determine what color people are emotionally colored from within, but also strive feel the color of the mood of your neighbors or collegs.
Describing the color of mood, I do not advise you to just go for reality, if it's cloudy outside - and gray at heart. Better to dress in a good mood bright colors, find them in nature or in the environment. Can just imagine your favorite color and despondency will leave you! Surround yourself with bright colors - and life will shine with new colors!
How to train Magnetic look?
I recommend looking at the candle flame more often, especially if you do not have available natural sources of color and light. With its soothing light, a candle will both calm you down and burn out everything bad, your bad thoughts, worries, fears and doubts.
In the system of Asian practices, it is recommended to look closely at a candle, without blinking, until a tear rolls over your eyes. This exercise gives very good cleansing, soothing and general healing effect, and also helps to develop the ability to fearlessly look into the eyes to anyone. Looking at the candle also helps to gain
magnetic sparkle of the eyes and develop inner strength. Asian masters believed that in this way not only vision could be cured, but also many hidden diseases. However, the simplest and most affordable option is solarization and being outdoors on sunny days. In this case, you can just go to walk periodically raising and lowering your head either turning it to the right or left, then towards the sun, then into the shadow. You can also just walk first along the shady side of the street and then along the sunny side of the street. I accustom to the fact that, having reached the intersection, which is more illuminated, you need not just wait for the green traffic light, but raise your head to the sun
