• 4 years ago
Aligned with Roy E. Davis and the anti-Civil-Rights timeline, William Branham introduced his Serpent's Seed (Christian Identity) doctrine during the Little Rock Nine incident in the Civil Rights timeline. Until that time, Branham rejected the doctrine, admitting that he learned it in Davis' church in Jeffersonville, IN. Branham disagreed with the word "eat" in verses 1 through 6 as well as verses 16 through 19 of Genesis 3, claiming that the word "eat" instead referred to sex. After introducing the doctrine, William Branham disagreed with verse 1 of Genesis 4 describing Adam fathering Cain. Genesis 4:1 states, "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain". According to Branham, Cain was the result of a sexual union between Eve and the Serpent. To further this doctrine, Branham often left out the first portion of verse 1 stating, "And Adam knew Eve his wife".

Now, after Adam and Eve, they brought forth their first son, which was Cain, of the devil. The second son was Abel. You say, "Brother Branham, do you mean to say that Cain was of the devil?" Sure he was, son of the devil. Notice! Say, "Well, Eve said, 'I have got a son from the Lord. '" That's true. Certainly. God is the only Creator. But through the spirit that he let come upon him; you couldn't attach that evil thing of Cain, upon God. Where did he get that nature he had to be jealous? From Satan, his father.
Branham, William. 1954, Aug 29. I Will Restore Saith The Lord. (54-0829)
This doctrine was furthered by (incorrectly) comparing the lineage of Cain and their life work to the Children of Israel. Branham omitted verse 20 describing Jabal, the "father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle." Branham claimed that men in Cain's lineage were scientists and builders instead of farmers and tent dwellers.

Did you know, when you get more education and more culture, did you know that’s what side it puts you on? It puts you on the devil’s side. The Bible said that, “The children of the darkness are wiser than the ones of the Light.” Look at the sons of Cain, every one of them become scientists, dealers in buildings, and making great progress. But the sons of Seth was all humble, peasant, sheepherders. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Man renown, of old, as it was in the days of Noah, how they build and made, and built the pyramids and everything, scientists. Watch real close now, see. This people criticized this man’s message, though he had the evidence of God with him.
Branham, William. 1964, February 16. Identification (64-0216).
Interestingly, William Branham promoted the Masonic view that the Great Pyramid of Giza held spiritual significance and claimed that the Great Pyramid was the second "Bible". In these claims, Branham alleged that the Great Pyramid was built by Enoch — contrary to Egyptian history.


