From 1949 through 1963, William Branham omitted the words "of good and evil" from Genesis 3's description of the Original Sin. This was to further his position against knowledge and education, a strategy that aligned with Roy E. Davis' agenda against desegregating the United States school system. According to Branham, it was not being able to distinguish between good and evil as is stated by Genesis 3, but instead knowledge itself that was evil. This is in direct conflict with verse 22 stating, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil".
"Now, the Spirit of Christ is in the Church. It has never left the Church; It’s been in the Church. And the days are growing evil, because that knowledge, man’s knowledge, that he received in the garden of Eden… When he left the Tree of Life to eat from the tree of knowledge, that knowledge is increasing constantly. And as knowledge increases, they get away from the Bible and get into a theory. But Jesus said, and the Bible’s full, that when they came… [Blank spot on tape—Ed.]…?… And now, the power has come, for the world has become very skeptic."
Branham, William. 1950, March. Gifts And Callings Are Without Repentance (50-0300).
Also aligned with Davis' timeline, Branham introduced his Serpent's Seed (Christian Identity) doctrine during the Little Rock Nine incident in the Civil Rights timeline. Until that time, Branham rejected the doctrine, admitting that he learned it in Davis' church in Jeffersonville, IN. Branham disagreed with the word "eat" in verses 1 through 6 as well as verses 16 through 19, claiming that the word "eat" instead referred to sex. To further this claim, Branham taught that Eve was the "tree" that was sexually "eaten".
"So we pray today, Lord, as we have see ourselves partakers of the woman-tree, and we all must die because there is no life in the woman, now also, Father, we’ve been given the privilege to partake of the Man-Tree, which was Christ."
Branham, William. 1964, June 21. The Trial (64-0621).
"He redeemed a Bride Tree, the Bride Tree, one just like Him. That Eve tree from the garden of Eden, the tree that had fallen, Eve, in the beginning, and Adam walked out with her; now Adam comes with, the Second Adam, knowing that He had His eyes open, to come to receive His Eve."
Branham, William. 1963, August 3. Investments (63-0803B).
"Now, the Spirit of Christ is in the Church. It has never left the Church; It’s been in the Church. And the days are growing evil, because that knowledge, man’s knowledge, that he received in the garden of Eden… When he left the Tree of Life to eat from the tree of knowledge, that knowledge is increasing constantly. And as knowledge increases, they get away from the Bible and get into a theory. But Jesus said, and the Bible’s full, that when they came… [Blank spot on tape—Ed.]…?… And now, the power has come, for the world has become very skeptic."
Branham, William. 1950, March. Gifts And Callings Are Without Repentance (50-0300).
Also aligned with Davis' timeline, Branham introduced his Serpent's Seed (Christian Identity) doctrine during the Little Rock Nine incident in the Civil Rights timeline. Until that time, Branham rejected the doctrine, admitting that he learned it in Davis' church in Jeffersonville, IN. Branham disagreed with the word "eat" in verses 1 through 6 as well as verses 16 through 19, claiming that the word "eat" instead referred to sex. To further this claim, Branham taught that Eve was the "tree" that was sexually "eaten".
"So we pray today, Lord, as we have see ourselves partakers of the woman-tree, and we all must die because there is no life in the woman, now also, Father, we’ve been given the privilege to partake of the Man-Tree, which was Christ."
Branham, William. 1964, June 21. The Trial (64-0621).
"He redeemed a Bride Tree, the Bride Tree, one just like Him. That Eve tree from the garden of Eden, the tree that had fallen, Eve, in the beginning, and Adam walked out with her; now Adam comes with, the Second Adam, knowing that He had His eyes open, to come to receive His Eve."
Branham, William. 1963, August 3. Investments (63-0803B).