Mike Dastic on sales training

  • 3 years ago
Michael Dastic You have to impress the readers with a dazzling bio that shows you that you’re credible. You must come out as a good person too and more that you have excellent results oriented experience. Another words you got to get them to believe you are the guy to hire.

Mike Dastic My desk shows you how you got about doing that?.

Here are the dos in writing a good sales bio.

One. write in the third person-when you’re writing yourself bio. In general terms you should always write in the third person narrative. Unless your company is requesting you not to do so.

That means there’s no eyes in your bio. The only time you were actually writing about you as a first person is when you’re doing your social media bio. And your social media bios you could write pretty much anything in the personal tone.


Mike Dastic - Small Business Selling Strategies

Let's see them in detail:
You can't make everyone happy
Good salespeople apply the 80/20 rule.
They know that 80% of their commissions come from 20% of their clients, so they dedicate much of their effort to their best clients.
