Russian alphabet

  • 3 years ago
Russian alphabet

We start learning the Russian language from this lesson. In this course, we will learn new words in Russian along with Russian grammar. Thus, the vocabulary is more important than grammar in the study of any language. Of course, grammatically correct sentences are also important for fluency, but to speak a language, you must first know a large number of words in that language. For this reason, in addition to grammar lessons, it is important to watch videos that teach new words which I upload on my website.
So let's start. Since this is our first lesson, in this video we will talk about generally about Russian language and will learn the Russian alphabet. First of all, I would like to note that Russian is a language belonging to the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic language group of the Indo-European language family. Russian is the national language of the Russian people and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, is the fifth most widely spoken language. Russian is the state language of Russia, the second state language of Belarus, the official language of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. As the official language of the USSR, it is still very active in the former member states. Although Russian is not an official language in some countries of the former USSR, all of them have Russian language schools or Russian is taught at school. About 300 million people around the world speak Russian. So by learning this language, you will not have any language problems when you are in many countries of the world.
The Russian alphabet based on Cyrillic graphics. So let's learn the Russian alphabet. The Russian alphabet, which has existed since 1918, consists of 33 letters, 10 of them are vowels, 21 are consonants, and 2 have no sound expression. These letters Ь and Ъ. Until 1942, the Russian alphabet consisted of only 32 letters, so from this year the letter Ё was officially added to the alphabet. Until then, the letters Е and Ё were the same letters. I should also note that a monument to this letter was erected in Ulyanovsk, Russia in 2001. The Russian alphabet consists of 42 sounds.

Ok here are The Russian alphabet. During learning of alphabet we will also learn a words that corresponds to each letter. The most important thing is that, we should make it our main goal to learn as many words as we can throughout the course.

