• 3 years ago
The Believer Movie (2021) Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Lucas, an out-of-work nuclear scientist, struggles with tension in his marriage after his wife Violet mysteriously terminates her pregnancy without his consent. As his physical health begins to inexplicably deteriorate, his wife’s behavior grows increasingly bizarre and he seeks clarity from his therapist Dr. Benedict. Exhausted by his job search, strange events begin to occur in the home and his medical condition progressively declines. Benedict recommends they try an alternative therapy, but it only makes matters worse. Lucas questions Benedict’s effectiveness as his grip on reality begins to fade. Violet’s deceitful behavior arouses his ever-deepening suspicions, and after a visit from two mysterious guests, her insidious behavior becomes disturbingly pervasive. Lucas' anger and frustration turns to fear as Violet’s sinister intentions are revealed. Lucas tries in vain to escape the evil web she has spun, but by the time he discovers the truth, it might be too late.

Director: Shan Serafin
Writer: Shan Serafin
Stars: Aidan Bristow, Sophie Kargman, Susan Wilder