• 4 years ago
World's Most Dangerous Roads - Philippines

The headhunters road Kalinga in filipino is aptly named even if the region's heads haven't been rolling for a long time. It said the spirits of the mountains still have a taste for them when it comes to cutting the road.
Christopher and his men face the same struggle against the mountain every day. Their job is to remove the thousands of cubic meters of rocks blocking the road in record time.
Further down the valley lies the town of Bontoc. It is neither Airport nor railway station, so the road is vital for its 15,000 inhabitants. If the Kalinga is blocked, the entire region is paralyzed and even the bone snake charms are powerless.
Bus 532 with 20 years of service is about to leave for one of the most dangerous roads in the Philippines: the Kalinga on the island of Luzon. It relays Bontoc to the regional capital of Tabuk to the north through the Cordillera mountains. A Tough road under construction for nearly a century, but which still resembles a track. It takes almost a day if all goes well to travel.


