Ao som da Natureza conseguimos dormir melhor, relaxar, meditar, estudar e dormir profundamente, pois nós dar sensação de bem estar, Acalma a Alma e o Espírito. E acalma os Bebês na hora de dormir.
#Metitar #Meditação #Yoga #Relaxar #Relaxante #Sono #Dormir #Dormirprofundo #Acalmaramente #AcalmaraAlma #Relaxarcorpo #RelaxarMente
With the sound of Nature we can sleep better, relax, meditate, study and sleep soundly, as we give a feeling of well-being, Calms the Soul and the Spirit. And soothes Babies at bedtime.
#Metitating #Meditation #Yoga #Relaxation #Relaxation #Sleep #Sleep #Sleepdeeply #Calmingthemind #CalmingtheSoul #Relaxingthebody #RelaxingtheMind
#Metitar #Meditação #Yoga #Relaxar #Relaxante #Sono #Dormir #Dormirprofundo #Acalmaramente #AcalmaraAlma #Relaxarcorpo #RelaxarMente
With the sound of Nature we can sleep better, relax, meditate, study and sleep soundly, as we give a feeling of well-being, Calms the Soul and the Spirit. And soothes Babies at bedtime.
#Metitating #Meditation #Yoga #Relaxation #Relaxation #Sleep #Sleep #Sleepdeeply #Calmingthemind #CalmingtheSoul #Relaxingthebody #RelaxingtheMind