ChiChi's Henshin

  • 15 years ago
Okay, seriously people, when you watch these pitiful transformations without voices, why on earth WOULDNT you audition? poor little ChiChi has no voice T-T!
~Info about ChiChi~
and btw, ChiChi is not a main musha (warrior), but Nya (the talking bubble who is introduced in episode 1 as their guide to saving the world) decided that ChiChi would be a good fifth member to their little group.
She really doesn't have an assigned planet or element like the others,
but she was born a psychic and has telekinesis and telepathy. One more reason Nya thought it was a good idea to add her to the group.
Despite her being totally hyper, little fourteen year old ChiChi is Keki's adopted sister and is possibly the most optimistic person on the planet, yet she still has a 4.0 average and takes care of all 14 of her different pets. She likes to get a new pet everytime she has a birthday. ^^' She also has a major obsession with Gobstoppers (the candy)and enjoys doing stupid stuff like sticking her head in the toilet or seeing how fast she can run on one foot to the other side of the soccer field.