Melt a Soap Bar

How To Do Stuff
How To Do Stuff
3 years ago
How to Melt a Soap Bar

All information and opinions int this video is for purposes of informational and educational reference only.

How to Melt a Soap Bar

melt soap bars together, melt bar soap into liquid, melt old soap bars together, melt bar soap in microwave, melt down soap bars, melt used soap bars, melt bar soap into body wash, melt dove soap bars, melt bar soap and remold

There are so many things you can do with melted soap Its a great way to save money on liquid hand soaps and other toiletries. By melting down scraps of soap that would otherwise be thrown away you can make your own cheap hand soap or body wash. With a few simple steps you can have melted soap to use for any project you have in mind. Gather any scraps of old bar soap you can find. These should be equal to a weight of 4 ounces which is the weight of an average bar of soap. You can also use an entire bar of soap if you prefer. Any bar soap whether whole or in pieces or scraps will work.

Shred the soap using a cheese grater. A regular four sided standing metal cheese grater works perfectly but a smaller hand held cheese grater would also do the trick. The idea is to reduce larger pieces into smaller shreds that will be easier to melt.

Heat the soap pieces in a pot with 8 9 cups of water. In a large saucepan over low to medium heat heat the soap pieces until melted. If youre planning on making a creamy body wash instead of a liquid hand soap use less water. The more water you use the thinner the end product will be.

Remove the soap from the stove. Let it sit covered for 12 24 hours. The soap will thicken overnight. If the soap is not at the consistency you prefer you can reheat it and make adjustments as necessary.

This video contains a digital rendering of a celebrity personalities likeness and voice for comedic and satirical value. The opinions and information expressed in this video are not representative of those of the actual celebrity personality. No affiliation exists between the celebrity personality and the producer of this video.
