Have an Emergency Account That’s Difficult To Access

  • 15 years ago
http://www.thetruthaboutdebtandrefinancing.org/ If you’re smart enough to have already started an emergency fund, you might want to opt for two. You should have some emergency cash at home but you should also have an emergency fund in an account.

Try not to make that fund too easy to access. For instance, don’t have a debit card for it. If you have to go to the bank during regular business hours and stand in line to access your money, you’re much less likely to impulsively spend it.

If you want to start saving money in an account and don’t think you’re going to be militant and dedicated enough to go to the bank every pay day and put money in, consider splitting your direct deposit so that the money goes in automatically. If your employer doesn’t offer this option, consider talking to your bank about doing an automatic transfer for you on specific days of the month; preferably payday when the funds go right in.

