Shop Around For The Best Rate

  • 16 years ago Whether you are looking for a loan, a mortgage, a credit card or some other financial product, it’s wise to shop around. If you have a good credit history you could have some negotiating power and have financial institutions clamoring for your business.

Don’t Take The First Offer You Get!

The first offer of a loan, mortgage or credit card doesn’t have to be one you jump on. Don’t hesitate to shop around. Be careful about applying everywhere as too many credit inquiries on your credit report can actually do more harm than good but don’t hesitate to see how competitors to your bank or financial institution fare in terms of savings.

Shop Around!

Balance transfers and introductory rates can make it very worthwhile to shop around and be choosy about the financial products you purchase. Do be careful about the timeline for introductory rates and be careful about adjustable rate programs, which can vary significantly.

