India's Metro Man E Sreedharan on joining BJP | EXCLUSIVE

  • 3 years ago
India's Metro Man E Sreedharan will be joining the BJP ahead of crucial elections in Kerala. Known as 'Metroman' as well as for the efficiency in completing big infrastructure projects, Sreedharan said he will contest the assembly elections if the party wants and will also be open to chief ministership if the party asks.

The 88-year-old technocrat also made it clear that he will not be interested in governorship, saying that it is purely a "constitutional position and no powers at all" and that he won't be able to make any positive contribution to the state in such a position.

On the reasons for deciding to join the BJP which is in power at the Centre, Sreedharan said that he wanted to do things for the benefit of Kerala as the UDF and the LDF have not been able to bring any tangible progress to the state. In an exclusive interview technocrat E Sreedharan spoke to India Today. For more, listen up!
