Huge Hammerhead Shark Bumps Into Diver In Florida Keys

  • 3 years ago
This huge hammerhead shark bumped into a diver at Florida Keys, USA. The two divers had moved about 30 feet away from their boats and had gone underwater to shoot the ten feet long hammerhead with their cameras. They went about 20 feet deep, the hammerhead began moving around one of the divers. The huge shark began noticing him, which scared the diver and made him think that he was about to get bitten. Surprisingly, the shark only brushed their fin against his leg and moved on after which the diver got back on his boat.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00We were down there shooting for about three days and on the second day I
00:03reached out to Robbie's of Isla Morada, which is a great place to stop if you're
00:07ever down in the Keys. You can go out back and feed hundreds of giant tarpon,
00:11there's great food, there's a shopping area, it's just a really awesome place to
00:15check out.
00:22When I contacted Robbie's they set us up with a private boat tour with Captain
00:26Brian of Satisfaction Charters and he's just an awesome guy, super educated,
00:31showed us everything we could need to know out on the water. While we were out
00:34there he gave us information on the lobster season, spearfishing, a little bit
00:39of everything. He took us out to a place called Alligator Lighthouse and this was
00:44one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in my life. And once you got
00:47under the lighthouse and you stayed there for a second, all the fish would
00:51come back around and then you would just do a full 360 and there was nothing but
00:54just walls of fish. It was unreal, you couldn't even see through them.
01:01When we got back to the boat I told the captain, hey I saw a couple barracudas
01:05out there, where can we find some bigger ones? About five minutes away there's a
01:09couple buoys and it's a deeper channel marker about 35 feet. As soon as we pull
01:13up I look over the side and there's two giant barracuda. As I'm putting my gear
01:17on I hear Captain Brian yell shark and I look over and I see a huge dorsal fin
01:22cutting through the water and it's a solid 10-foot hammerhead shark. All I
01:26could think is I've got to get this shot. So me and Jimmy slide in the water, I
01:30tapped him and was like yo we're gonna stay together, watch each other, let's go.
01:34We got about 30 feet away from the boat and three barracuda came our way. Two
01:39went towards Jimmy and one broke off towards my direction and tried to get
01:43close enough to the barracuda to get a good shot. So once I was about 15 maybe
01:4620 feet down I caught a shadow in the corner of my left eye and I looked over
01:51and boom there was a huge hammerhead shark. When I first saw him I had my
01:57GoPro on my left hand and I had my iPhone inside of my hit case on my right
02:01so I took a picture. I knew it went off but I couldn't tell if I had gotten it
02:09or not. I just kept filming and as he came at me the first time I wasn't
02:14really nervous you know I had seen so many videos of sharks just checking
02:18people out and I knew he was wondering what I was and what I was doing in the
02:22water. He was moving a little fast for my liking it was just he was a little jerky
02:28in his movements and the second time he came he was going under me and that time
02:33my concern was I didn't want to kick him in the face or hit him with my fins
02:39because I've got these Ocean Pro you know three and a half foot long blade
02:42fins and if one of those hit him I don't want to antagonize him. I kind of tucked
02:47my knees up a little bit and as he goes under me I didn't even realize until I
02:51got home and watched the footage how close he was to my feet.
02:59As he went under me he watched me and then he did this wide turn and then he
03:04popped around real quick and what I didn't like about the last approach he
03:09did he was coming more up at me the first time he came inside the second
03:13time he went under me and this time he's coming up in an angle and I really didn't
03:16like that because I was like okay he's gonna bite me and if you look in the
03:19film he actually opens his mouth a little bit you can see his teeth as he's
03:23coming up I'm like what should I do should I hit him I didn't know if I was
03:26about to get the best shot ever or just get a shot of me being attacked by a shark.
03:31He had already checked me out twice and for him to come back a third time it
03:34really made me feel like he was sizing me up. He kept doing his little nods off
03:38to the right and I was afraid that one of those was just gonna turn into a bite
03:40and I had my arm out like this and my GoPro behind it because if I got bit
03:44anywhere I would want it to be in the arm if he gets you in the leg and into
03:47your arteries you're pretty much screwed and as the shark came up on the last
03:52sweep he was looking at me my mind was racing and the shark is just sitting
03:57there looking at me thinking and as he comes by he just gently brushes me with
04:01this side fin on the leg and then he swims off and it was just unreal.
04:15As the boat comes up I get on the boat and then I remember Jimmy's still in the
04:20water so I look back and get one more shot and the shark is swimming around
04:25Jimmy and on his camera it actually shows the shark passing him and coming
04:30back two or three times so it was definitely very interested in us and
04:36we're lucky. In the end nobody got hurt and I got one of the most incredible
04:41shots but most importantly one of the craziest and most unbelievable
04:47experiences I've ever had in my life.
