Steven Gan: RM500k fine a body blow in fight against corruption

  • 3 years ago
Malaysiakini editor-in-chief Steven Gan expressed disappointment with the Federal Court's decision to fine the news portal RM500,000 for contempt of court in relation to the news portal's readers' comments.

"The decision flies in the face of the fast-changing new media landscape in this country.

"It will have a tremendous chilling impact on discussions of issues of public interest and it delivers a body blow to our continual campaign to fight corruption, among others," he said.

Gan referenced the offending comments which appeared in an article dated June 9 last year titled “CJ orders all courts to be fully operational from July 1”.

"A few months ago, the chief justice said the judiciary shouldn't be blamed for the dropping of charges because the public prosecutor was the one responsible for the dropping of any charges.


