To control anxiety, start with your way of thinking. Fear is largely caused by your thoughts.
Changing the way you think about something can help calm the fear reaction and reduce anxiety.
Imagine a situation that makes you nervous. It could be getting on a plane or giving a presentation to your colleagues.
Pulse is racing. The face flushes. Breathing speeds up and becomes ragged as adrenaline rushes through your veins.
For some people, the fear and anxiety become so intense that they avoid the situation.
However, avoidance affects the way you live, as it limits the way you approach life.
By practicing some techniques, you can learn how fear affects your body and how you can control your response to stress.
Changing the way you think about something can help calm the fear reaction and reduce anxiety.
Imagine a situation that makes you nervous. It could be getting on a plane or giving a presentation to your colleagues.
Pulse is racing. The face flushes. Breathing speeds up and becomes ragged as adrenaline rushes through your veins.
For some people, the fear and anxiety become so intense that they avoid the situation.
However, avoidance affects the way you live, as it limits the way you approach life.
By practicing some techniques, you can learn how fear affects your body and how you can control your response to stress.
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