Small Ways to Make 2021 Feel Like a Clean Slate

  • 3 years ago
Small Ways to Make 2021
Feel Like a Clean Slate.
1. Instead of trying to forget 2020 completely, use
the lessons you learned as a guide for 2021.
2. Reflect on the relationships, patterns and
habits that weren’t beneficial to you in 2020
and work on leaving those behind. .
3. Chose a positive affirmation that motivates
you and surround yourself with it in 2021. .
4. Take note of the things that cause
you stress and create a plan to effectively
approach and resolve them.
5. Set a goal that brings you joy and cannot be derailed by the pandemic. This will give you a positive thing to focus on. .
6. Try to “take back some control” and revive as
much of your pre-pandemic routine as possible.
7. Bring new energy into your workspace
by rearranging and redecorating. .
8. Get back into safe social activities, such as virtual
happy hours and Zoom book clubs. A social support
system will have a positive effect on your well-being. .
9. Take a few distraction-free minutes
each day to spend with just yourself. .
10. Don’t use resolutions as a way of creating a “new you.”
Use them as an opportunity to feel good, heal and restore.