Don't Do This When Interviewing People

  • 4 years ago
Talking over your guest drives me up the flipping wall, and professional broadcasters and podcasters are notoriously bad for doing this. So here’s a question for you: What is the sole purpose of your interview? Now, think about for a quick second while I go and play with some chickens.

The primary purpose of an interview is to get information from your guest across to your audience, and you can’t do that if you’re talking over the flipping answers. Gorgonzola cheese man! The interview is not about you and your big gob - NO - it’s about getting the information from your guest across to the audience.

To sum up
One - Ask your question and then keep your big mouth shut.
Two - Listen to the flipping answers and keep your big mouth shut.
Three - Don’t talk over the answers - keep your big mouth shut.

And FINALLY don’t make stupid noises when your guest is replying to your questions.

Right, I’m out of here because my bus leaves in 7 minutes, and I’m planning to be under it.
