• 5 years ago
There are many cuts of pork fit for a fine charcuterie board.But if you're really trying to impress, there's only one choice: Jamón Ibérico.As you might've gathered from this Spanish language phrase, Jamón Ibérico originates from the Iberian peninsula.The name doesn't just refer to a place, but a pig as well. The black Iberian pig is responsible for the tasty meat.These small, free-range pigs wander in hilly fields of oak and cork trees eating acorns.And those acorns are the defining quality of a top-grade Jamón Ibérico.Oleic acid in the acorns helps makethe delicate, melty fat that gives Jamón Ibérico so divine a flavor.Any pork lover should seek this delicacy out, because it really may be the best pork you'll find anywhere on the planet