아르헨티나, 낙태 합법화…임신 14주 이내 허용
A historic decision ahead of the New Year in Argentina,...as the country became the first major country in Latin America to legalize abortion.
For more on this and other news from around the world, we turn to our Lee Kyung-eun.
Kyung-eun, what's the latest?
Mok-yeon, Argentina's Congress approved the law,..allowing abortions up to the 14th week of pregnancy.
This comes after a 20-hour marathon debate among senators on Wednesday.
It's a ground-breaking decision for the highly Catholic nation,...which was one of the countries with the most restrictive termination laws.
Until now, abortions were only permitted in cases of rape,...or when the mother's health was at risk.
It's a major victory for Argentina's women's rights activists,... who've been at the forefront of this change.
And for the country's left-leaning President,...who largely supported the law.
But Catholic conservatives have expressed much disappointment.
Many eyes are one how the decision by Argentina, a country with great influence in the region, could inspire other nations like Brazil and Chile, to follow suit.
A historic decision ahead of the New Year in Argentina,...as the country became the first major country in Latin America to legalize abortion.
For more on this and other news from around the world, we turn to our Lee Kyung-eun.
Kyung-eun, what's the latest?
Mok-yeon, Argentina's Congress approved the law,..allowing abortions up to the 14th week of pregnancy.
This comes after a 20-hour marathon debate among senators on Wednesday.
It's a ground-breaking decision for the highly Catholic nation,...which was one of the countries with the most restrictive termination laws.
Until now, abortions were only permitted in cases of rape,...or when the mother's health was at risk.
It's a major victory for Argentina's women's rights activists,... who've been at the forefront of this change.
And for the country's left-leaning President,...who largely supported the law.
But Catholic conservatives have expressed much disappointment.
Many eyes are one how the decision by Argentina, a country with great influence in the region, could inspire other nations like Brazil and Chile, to follow suit.