
  • 4 years ago
How should one practice true religion while continuing with a normal life?
Dharma is not defined by the mere activities you do - it is your inner intent which will define religion or the lack of it.
Pujya Deepakbhai explains with an example that you have to call out to someone, here the activity is to call someone. If you call with patience and affection, that is dharma. But if you get irritated and angry, when the person does not listen to you, and then talk rudely, now that is adharma (opposite of religion).
Repenting for mistakes or doing things with the intent of attaining Moksha is dharma and will help on the path of liberation.
See: In English: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/the-essence-of-all-religion/

In Hindi:https://hindi.dadabhagwan.org/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/the-essence-of-all-religion/

In Gujarati: https://www.dadabhagwan.in/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/the-essence-of-all-religion/