Template Portal

  • 4 years ago
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The December Solstice year 2012, marked the culmination of a great cycle that is simultaneously a new beginning, creating a window of opportunity...a portal that is being organically orchestrated by the holonomic symbiosis of evolution.

The coming recalibration of Earth ….as She aligns with the holistic continuum has not been instigated by those who have intervened in our evolution; ...labelling various global catastrophes, ...reported in all religious doctrines,... as punishments perpetrated by the 'gods' for misbehaviour, ...as they cover up their failed experiments on the Human race.

A portal that has evolved from the Prime Organising Principal energetically emanating from the Galactic core, this astronomical event does not mark an anomalous catastrophe resulting from the disarrangement of the original design of the planets in our solar system, nor is it relevant to the religious programming of shame and guilt that has historically rationalized the global genocide that is being prophesied.

Ultimately the propensity for true evolution upon this planet and within the entire solar system is far beyond the influences of the god impersonators who would have you believe this to be a time of damnation, repentance, salvation, atonement.

However the significance of this alignment goes beyond the cycles of cosmic order eternally spiralling within the true holistic continuum. For Earth this alignment holds the promise of liberation.

The displacement of the planets within our solar system, including the destruction of Maldek and the introduction of foreign satellites which scramble the data embedded in the light of our Sun, has rendered Earth a stolen planet functioning in a deviant temporal zone. Although the coming alignment will not create an immediate reintegration into the holistic continuum it will activate the capacity of Earth and Her inhabitants to ultimately realise their place within the integrity of universal holography.

The alignment of the torsion field structure of the universal holonomic design is eternally in synchronomic motion a space/time continuum which is not a sequential binary signal-response pattern that exhausts a supply of energy resulting in entropy...but a fractally constructing self referencing ocean of possibilities.

The coming alignment is an opportunity to recalibrate to this holistic continuum.

It is our Suns symbiotic relationship with the planets within its heliocentric embrace which orchestrates the synchronomic forces of manifestation, its light-informing transmissions pulsing through the holography of the true matrix...its geometry rendering all things simultaneously one and different. The phenomenal aspect of this imminent solstice portal is the transmission of the full spectrum Source Code embedded in the light of our Sun and its ability to initiate the transformation of consciousness ...