UNICEF "코로나로 학교 못가는 아이 전 세계 3억명…학습권•건강 악영향"
Nearly 1 out of 5 schoolchildren around the world remain outside classrooms,… due to COVID-19 school closures.
That’s about 3-hundred 20 million children as of December 1st.
The number has increased by 38 percent on-month,… with 90 million additional students now being affected.
UNICEF, announcing the data, warned that school closures could severely damage children,... in terms of learning, well-being, and safety.
It called on countries to prioritize reopening schools,... given that there's little evidence between schools and higher rates of COVID-19 transmission.
Nearly 1 out of 5 schoolchildren around the world remain outside classrooms,… due to COVID-19 school closures.
That’s about 3-hundred 20 million children as of December 1st.
The number has increased by 38 percent on-month,… with 90 million additional students now being affected.
UNICEF, announcing the data, warned that school closures could severely damage children,... in terms of learning, well-being, and safety.
It called on countries to prioritize reopening schools,... given that there's little evidence between schools and higher rates of COVID-19 transmission.