Meet the world's happiest fox

  • 4 years ago
Meet the world's happiest fox

Meet Juniper.

She's been dubbed the happiest fox but life looked very different for her early on.

Descending from fur-farm foxes, she was born in captivity.

Because of the genetic differences from her wild counterparts, she can not be released into the wild.

Now, she lives in a home with Jessika along with other animals.

No one seems to ever have a dull moment there.

Juniper knows where the good stuff is.

Not surprisingly, there are food disputes.

But Juniper also doesn't mind sharing.

Juniper is apparently in love with Moose.

However, those feelings aren't always reciprocated.

Jessika says about Juniper:
I've never met anyone, human or animal more sassy than she is.

Juniper's hilarious shenanigans have earned her millions of adoring fans on social media.

There's even a book chronicling Juniper's amazing story.

However, Jessika cautions that despite some similarities between tame foxes and common pets like dogs and cats, she wouldn't recommend them as household pets.

On her relationship with Juniper, Jessika says:
Juniper is an extremely affectionate fox. That need for affection grows more and more each year.

Jessika adds:
Juniper is my constant reminder that there is still goodness in the world, still purity, and unconditional love. The world is heavy, but just know there's still a little bit of magic. If you know where to look.
