Rancho Cucamonga Fitness Lose Weight by Eating Rightly

  • 15 years ago
Dr. Matthew Anderson, an organizational consultant, counsellor, author of The Prayer Diet and a columnist for eDiets.com stated that spiritually based diet and weight loss programs end up to be unsuccessful in general because people tend to put so much attention on the external factors of losing weight rather than on the emotional factors and issues behind the unhealthy eating habits.

Dr. Anderson had identified the 5 internal issues that can inhibit the success of your quest for weight loss and health improvement. These are as follows:

1. Inadequate Mothering

Majority of overweight individuals use food in order to satisfy their need for motherly love and attention. One reason for this is that they did not receive adequate love and nurturing when they were still young. This is the reason why they resort to comfort eating. They find satisfaction in comfort food and they find the sweetness, love, acceptance and validation which their own mothers failed to give to them.

2. Avoiding Strong Emotions

Food becomes a way to bury down emotions such as anger, guilt, hurt and fear. Emotions are sometimes hard to deal with and food serves as a mode of distraction from these emotions.
