Full version Overextended: A Practical Guide to Correcting the Housing Market For Free

  • 4 years ago
Home ownership. A term which used to be synonymous with financial stability and emotional security has made the unfortunate transition to uncertainty and fear. Why did it come to this? Foreclosure is detrimental to families - what can be done to prevent it? There must be a way to resuscitate the housing market, but how? After pushing through the thick veil of smoke and mirrors, the answers to these concerns and more are apparent and simply applied by anyone. David Prentice has made these discoveries readily available to all with Overextended, conveniently packaged in an easy to understand format. Don't wallow in confusion any longer. In your hands is everything you need to educate yourself and make the difference in your life and the lives of those around you. Our homes can once again be the sanctuaries they were intended to be. "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson Practical insights and advice - that's what Overextended was built upon. Guided by Prentice's multi-faceted experiences and no nonsense style, it's a simple task for anybody to understand the housing market issues that are prevalent today. No frills here; whether you're facing foreclosure, would like to see the market corrected on a broad scale, or merely desire to understand the situation fully, this is the book for you!
