CureVac's COVID-19 vaccine suitable for standard refrigeration

  • 4 years ago
큐어백 "개발중 코로나19 백신 5도에서 효능...냉장유통 원활"

German biotech company CureVac announced on Thursday local time that their COVID-19 vaccine is suitable for standard refrigeration,... potentially making cold chain distribution much easier.
According to the company's stability test results, the vaccine remains stable at 5 degrees Celsius for at least 3 months,… and up to 24 hours at room temperature.
This is an advantage over Pfizer and BioNTech,.. as their vaccine, which was found to be more than 90-percent effective,.. must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius.
CureVac is currently heading towards phase 3 clinical trials and plans to produce 3-hundred to 4-hundred million doses in 2021.