Set Intervals in Hindi/ Finite intervals/ Infinite Intervals/ Set Theory/ Mathematics/Quick Solutions

  • 4 years ago
Set Intervals/ Set Theory/ Quick Solutions
In this video we will know about set intervals and how to represent them geometrically.

An interval is a set that consists of all real numbers between a given pair of numbers. It can also be thought of as a segment of the real number line. An endpoint of an interval is either of the two points that mark the end of the line segment. An interval can include either endpoint, both endpoints or neither endpoint. To distinguish between these different intervals, we use interval notation.

An open interval does not include endpoints. The exclusion of the endpoints is indicated by round brackets () in interval notation. When the interval is represented by a segment of the real number line, the exclusion of an endpoint is illustrated by an open dot.

A closed interval includes the endpoints. The inclusion of the endpoints is indicated by square brackets in interval notation. When the interval is represented by a segment of the real number line, the inclusion of an endpoint is illustrated by a closed dot.

One endpoint of an interval can be included, while the other is excluded. The interval [a, b) represents all numbers between a and b, including a but not b. Similarly, the interval (a, b] would represent all of the numbers between a and b, including b but not a. These are called as half open/ closed intervals.

Infinite intervals are those that do not have an endpoint in either the positive or negative direction, or both. The interval extends forever in that direction.

Set Intervals in Hindi,finite intervals , infinite intervals,open intervals,closed intervals,types of set Intervals,set theory,set Intervals by quick solutions,semi open intervals,semi closed intervals,set Intervals class 11, quick solutions


