Count every vote! Cover version of Phil Collins: Both Sides Of The Story

  • 4 years ago
Procedures around and after election day 2020:
- Congressional Research Service: The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline:
- Votes are always being counted for days after election night:
- A Winner on Election Day in November? Don’t Count on It:
Further timelines for 2020:
- What a normal US election looks like and what might happen in 2020:

Former U.S. presidential elections:
- 2016: Electors for Trump: 304, Clinton: 227
Election Day: Nov. 8
Nov. 9: Donald Trump is the projected winner of the election, becoming president-elect.
Nov. 25, 2016, the Obama administration said the results from November 8 "accurately reflect the will of the American people." The following day, the White House released another statement, saying: "the federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyberactivity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on Election Day."
- 2012: Electors for Obama: 332, Romney: 206
El. Day: Nov. 6
Nov. 7: Romney concedes.
- 2008: Electors for Obama 365, McCain: 173
El. Day: Nov. 4
Nov. 4: McCain concedes the election in Phoenix, Arizona[289] and President-elect Obama gives his victory speech in Chicago.
Nov. 5: John McCain congratulates President Obama
- 2004: Electors for Bush: 286, Kerry: 251
El. Day: Nov. 2
Nov. 3: Kerry concedes.
- 2000: Electors for George W. Bush: 271, Al Gore: 266
El. Day: Nov. 7
... On election night, no clear winner emerged.
... Gore called Bush to concede the election, but in the early hours of the following morning it became apparent that the Florida race was much closer than Gore’s staff had originally believed.
... About 3:00 am Gore called a stunned Bush to retract his concession.
Nov. 8
... the networks declared that Bush had carried Florida and therefore been elected president.
... the networks retracted their declarations that Bush had won Florida and the presidency. Gore, who had privately conceded the election to Bush, withdrew his concession.
Dec. 12: After Florida was decided and Gore conceded, Texas Governor George W. Bush became the president-elect and began forming his transition committee.
Sources: Wiki,


