La plante Arabidopsis halleri a l'étonnante caractéristique de pousser sur des sols pollués par des métaux lourds, et même d'accumuler ces métaux dans ses feuilles. Mais où exactement, et pourquoi n'est-ce pas toxique pour elle ? Des études sont menées sur la ligne LUCIA pour répondre à ces questions.
Arabidopsis halleri is a plant whose surprising characteristic is to grow in soil contaminated with heavy metals, and even to store the metals in its leaves. But, in exactly what parts of the leaves, and why aren't they toxic for the plant? Studies are carried out on LUCIA beamline to answer these questions.
Arabidopsis halleri is a plant whose surprising characteristic is to grow in soil contaminated with heavy metals, and even to store the metals in its leaves. But, in exactly what parts of the leaves, and why aren't they toxic for the plant? Studies are carried out on LUCIA beamline to answer these questions.