• 5 years ago
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has delivered a remarkable speech in United Nations General Assembly in New York. While addressing four major problems of Pakistan, he has made a few mistakes that have been highlighted by the media persons. Raising Kashmir issue was quite appreciable but why did Imran Khan mention curfew in Kashmir only? Why did not the ferocity there? PM Pakistan has pointed out Indian PM many times and declared RSS as a terrorist party. His warning for nuclear war openly can also be considered as a mistake. Let's find out what major mistakes did PM Imran Khan make during his speech in UNGA 2019? Watch out the video

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##UNGA2019 #MistakesInImranKhanSpeech #NarendraModi #ImranKhan #IndianPM #PakPM #PakPMSpeechInUNGA #IndianPMBeingCritizedForKashmir #PakPmSpeechInUN #UnitedNations #UNGA #KashmirIssue #Kashmir #IndianArmyInKashmir #RSSInIndia #CurfewInKashmir #Muslims #IslamicLeaders #NewYork #RSS
