Corona Ward-ல் நோயாளியாக அனுமதிக்கப்பட்ட மருத்துவர்...மீண்டெழுந்த அனுபவம்! #doctorsday2020

  • 4 years ago
#doctorsday2020 #Corona #Covid19 #Coronachennai

Here doctor Anandhi Prabakaran who had been affected by corona and now cured.she shares her experience in corona ward,How corona patient is being treatedin ward,Symptoms for Corona and much more,More frontline workers, especially healthcare providers, are testing positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Chennai.

India celebrates National Doctor's Day on July 1 every year, on this day doctors across the country are honoured for their relentless service. This day is like a tribute to all medical and healthcare professionals who have attended to patients and did their bit for the society irrespective of all odds.The National Doctor's Day is celebrated in the memory of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, a former Chief Minister of West Bengal and a well-known physician. He was born on July 1, 1882 and died on the same date in 1962, aged 80 years.

00:00 Start
00:50 How it Affected?
01:10 Corona Symptoms
1:51 Precaution for Corona virus
03:32 Corona Ward

Reporter- Jeni Freeda | Edit - Shreeraj

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