The Prepper's Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource Review

  • 4 years ago
No source is left untapped in this all-encompassing guide to supplying life-saving water after a disasterHumans can survive up to three weeks without food, but only around three days without water! Of all the resources needed after a catastrophe strikes?food, heat, electricity, communication, transportation?none are as important as simple water. While a substantial supply should be stored, water's size and weight make storage impractical for long-term survival. Therefore it's equally critical to know how to acquire and purify additional water supplies over time. This guide addresses all of these factors and more with straight-forward instruction anyone can follow.Suitable for novice and expert preppers alike, this book's laser-sharp focus on water allows for a depth of information not found in any other guide. Storage is the first area covered including details on types of containers, where to store them, and how to avoid contamination?from basic bottles to large tanks. The author follows with real-world applications for harvesting water from every possible source including digging a well, collecting rain, and purifying lake and river water.Whether you are looking to set up a supply for a week, month, year, or longer, this book offers a solution for your specific need.
