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Saturday, October 3, 2020
Did You Know? 9 Striking Notes about The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band
There are so many great articles online and everyday we come across some that have facts and trivia that are too tempting not to share. So, today, we are beginning a new series of passing along these links so you can enjoy our finds, too. "Check it Out!" is the name of this new series and you can simply click on the tag/label to find other similar posts in the future.

We begin with a page of trivia relating to Walt Disney's The One and Only Genuine Family Band ( 1968 ) posted by D23, Disney's official fan club site: Did You Know? 9 Striking Notes about The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band.

This colorful film had a stellar cast ( John Davidson, Walter Brennan, Lesley Ann Warren, Buddy Ebsen, Janet Blair, etc ) but was not a big success for Disney Studios when it was released and still receives mixed reactions even from Disney fans. The plot - based on the real-life Bower family and their family band - had a little bit of something for everyone but its political theme was too heady for young ones. It's redeeming features were the presence of Davidson and Warren ( who were reunited from The Happiest Millionaire ), the great Richard and Robert Sherman songs, and its beautiful Black Hills of Dakota-in-autumn setting.

John Davidson tells Lesley Ann Warren its "'Bout Time" their romance began
The Metzinger Sisters at 1:33 PM
1 comment:

Caftan WomanOctober 5, 2020 at 11:06 AM
I haven't seen this in decades but still find the information of interest.


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The Metzinger Sisters
The Metzinger Sisters....Diana & Connie we be. Classic film addicts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In our spare time we work...or at least try to.
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