From Hachioji IC to Dangozaka SA

  • 4 年前
From Hachioji IC, head toward the downhill direction of Chuo Motor and drive to Dangozaka SA. There are many small bridges in this area.
On the way, you will pass "Kobotoke Tunnel", "Hachioji JCT", and "Tsurukawa Ohashi". The Kobotoke Tunnel is very crowded and is a congested area that is often familiar on the radio. I often hear the "sag part" as the reason for traffic congestion.
* The V-shaped shape that goes from the downhill to the uphill is called the sag part.
I don't notice it when I'm running, but I naturally fall into a traffic jam trap.


(0:07)中央自動車 CHUO EXPWY(下り)

(0:16)甲の原第1橋 Kounohara No.1 Bridge

(0:18)甲の原第2橋 Kounohara NO.2 Bridge

(0:20)川口川橋 Kawaguchigawa Bridge

(0:25)樽原高架橋 Narahara Viaduct

(0:30)北浅川橋 Kitaasakawa Bridge

(0:31)叶谷高架橋 Kanoya Viaduct

(0:34)大楽寺橋 Dairakuji Bridge

(0:35)城山川第1橋 Shiroyama No.1 Bridge

(0:46)城山川第2橋 Shiroyama No.2 Bridge

(0:49)元八王子橋 Motohachioji Bridge

(0:55)城山川第3橋 Shiroyama No.3 Bridge

(1:08)駒木野橋 Komakino Bridge


(1:22)上長房橋 Kaminagabusa Bridge

(1:26)小仏第一高架橋 Kobotoke No.1 Viaduct

(1:38)小仏トンネル Kobotoke Tunnel

(1:55)底沢大橋 Sokosawabashi

(2:13)相模湖高架橋 Sagamiko Viaduct

(2:31)奥の沢橋 Okunosawa Bridg

(2:39)相模湖IC Sagamiko Interchange

(2:43)新吉野橋 Shinyoshino Bridg

(2:48)藤野PA(下り) Fijino Parking area

(3:01)関野橋 Sekino Bridge

(3:08)小渕橋 Obuchi Brige

(3:15)新境川橋 Shinsakaigawa Bridge

(3:21)上野原IC Uenohara Interchange

(3:26)上野原橋 Uenohara Bridge

(3:34)鶴川大橋 Tsurukawa Bridge

(4:04)談合坂SA(下り) Dangozaka Service area


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