Read F.A.S.T Exam Prep: Flightbridgeed - Air - Surface - Transport - Exam - Prep Free acces

  • 4 years ago
2nd Edition Printing! This is the most UP TO DATE exam prep book on the market. Current 10th edition CAMTS standards and test prep questions based on the newest FP-C, CCP-C and CFRN exam content. Preparing for advanced certification exams isn't easy! It requires planning ahead, studying hard and having quality materials from experienced educators to guide you. This 2nd edition book includes over 350 critical care level questions, rational and test tips, designed to provide you with practice in the types of questions typical of the CFRN, FP-C or CCP-C exams. In addition, the questions in this book are a sampling of topics used to drive advanced certification test banks, allowing you a great way to review. This book was authored by the same quality educators that bring our industry-leading CFRN/FP-C Exam Review & Advanced Practice Update book. Combined these books for an unbeatable set of advanced certification review tools! Go to for review course dates and locations and explore our free podcast series!
