• 5 years ago
This is the man who has been crowned the most tattooed man in history according to the Guinness World Records.

Footage from January 2019 shows Lucky Diamond Rich explaining his inspiration for his body art endeavour, which has been over 1,000 hours in the making.

Rich explains that his whole body is covered and in some places, there are "three to four layers" of ink, meaning he can boast about 200% of coverage across his body, including bizarre nooks and crannies such as ear canals and in between his toes.

He said he got his first tattoo at age 16 when he "was at the circus" and the image was of a juggling club and since then he's added to his collection of tattoos getting inked by famous people within the industry.

Holding the world record instils a sense of "honour and pride," especially when he is recognised.