Top Chinese official to visit S. Korea for talks with national security advisor

  • 4 years ago
청와대 "양제츠 중국 중앙정치국 위원 21-22일 부산 방문"

Top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi will be visiting South Korea later this week for talks with national security advisor Suh Hoon.
Seoul's presidential office said Wednesday that Yang a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee is scheduled to be in the southern port city of Busan from Friday through Saturday.
"National Security Advisor Suh Hoon will be holding talks with Yang Jiechi on Saturday morning, which will be followed by a lunch meeting. The two officials will likely share their views on bilateral issues including the COVID-19 response, high-level exchanges and Korean Peninsula affairs."
Seoul's top office added that a potential visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping will also be discussed.
Yang last made a visit to South Korea in 2018.
