Enjoying Socialism. Cuba, in line for government distribution of articles of need.

  • 4 years ago
In this video, people stand in line for the right to purchase 1 liter of cooking oil and two little bags of washing detergent. The government distributes these products at a better price than you can find in the stores, but nowhere is anything free. These lines can take as long as 6 hours and there's a lot of cheating, arguing, and many times violence because once the quantities are finished, it doesn't matter if you were number 60 and they told you that there was enough for 80, you will NOT get what you were waiting for and you will not argue or you will go to prison or pay a fine. Many times, while these people are waiting in line, police or other government personnel are taking what they need for their own families. This happens behind the curtain. This is what socialism looks like. It keeps the people busy surviving, they don't have any time to attack the elites for destroying their liberty.
