Decoding the “Garnish” series through 20 Questions

  • 4 years ago
A lifetime of passion for food translated into a food styling career for me, Chef Payal Gupta. Watch me share bites of my experiences through this engaging video that focuses on 20 incisive questions about Garnish series.

I have spent a decade in engaging with top industry talent and has developed CPG into a transformational and unique food styling brand. My radically innovative food styling ideas are packaged into the new YouTube series Garnish presented in the form of interactive videos.

Hear me talk about my approach to garnishing and food styling and learn how the two concepts are interlinked and yet entirely different. Listen to me opening up about what a creative approach to food garnishing should be like and pointing out common traps that people fall into while garnishing.
As I emphatically say in the video “Un-garnished food is soul-less….watch me underline how I want food to be styled in the introduction to my brand new video series “Garnish”.

Show us how well you have understood the 20 questions by answering these 3 questions:-

1:58 How did I acquire my garnishing skills?

2:51 Difference between food styling and garnishing?

4:17 What is my favourite garnishing element?

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I am happy that you found your way here. Hi, I am Chef Payal Gupta India’s only food stylist cum floral stylist.

As a food stylist insider,we make normal food look oh-so glamorous for the camera.Chef Payal Gupta Food styling -a culinary arts company based in Mumbai was founded to nurture my love for beautiful food. We have worked on food advertisements for over 200 brands worldwide.

We offer foodstyling across many cuisine and countries and work as:-

Food stylist for Food videography in
TV ads,Films,Web series,Cooking shows & Digital videos.
Food stylist for Food photography in
Stills,Editorials,Websites,Cookbook,Magazine & Digital medium.
Discover more about us here

Contact me at for adding magical top Food stylist techniques to your India/Srilanka/Bangladesh/UAE/Thailand etc shoots.

This video is only for showreel purposes.To showcase my food stylist reel.No copyright is claimed in this video.


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